Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lainee's reading center 05/09

Lainee loves to read so she set up her own little reading center. Each blanket is a personel reading area with its own rules to follow. The papers on the wall & the back of the couch read as follows:
So cute! I am glad that Lainee loves to read & I love all of the creative things she does to make it even more fun!


Erin said...

That has got to be the cutest list of rules I have ever seen! I love rule #4 - never be mean. Classic! She'll love seeing that when she is older.

Oh..and I think Rigby is trying to tell you something with the "bolt." That's right...he's a true Charger fan!!! ;)

Angela said...

Wow! I'm impressed! What a sweetheart!