Monday, May 2, 2011

Bonnie's Hair Salon

Who knew a nice Sunday evening would turn into a spontaneous hair cutting session!  We went over to my Mom's house for a visit & she requested that I cut her hair!  Now keep in mind, I DO NOT know how to cut hair!  I am not trained, I just help with my boys haircuts & that is my extensive knowledge of hair cutting!  So once I got my mom's hair done then I had others ask as well!

Cute little Jeric wanted his cut, then Tallie got a trim, and then it was Coleman's turn. 

Olivia has been asking for a long time to get her hair cut because she hates having her hair brushed because it hurt her so bad - soft head.  So I had asked her a few times if she wanted her hair cut too but she said no.  But then she braved up & said yes!

Now is when I had to turn up my bravery!  I really don't know how to cut hair especially when I chop off 5 inches (or more)!  Without further ado...

I did the pony chop!  It gave it a good start to the a-line style I was hoping for! (sorry to all hairstylist for my improper skills!)

The back view of my mom & Olivia's haircuts.  Not the best but it'll do!

Me & my clientele!


3boys2girls said...

You did great. Don't you remember we used to trim each others back in the day too. Well done!!

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

Wow, you cut your MOM'S hair on the SABBATH day?? I bet Moses would roll over in his grave!

Laralee said...

nice job. Hannah has been begging to get her hair cut, but I am not even going to attempt. I did try to cut my sister's hair when I was in high school. Her hair was long and thick, and my mom didn't want it cut, so when she was gone one day I decided I would try to cut it. Well, I was half done, and my mom came home. We were in trouble, and I had done a pretty bad job. So that is when I stopped cutting girls hair. You did a great job though!!

Karin Webb said...

My mom always asks me to cut her hair too! And I have NO training either, but since I cut my dad's hair (and my boys) she thinks that's training enough. But I'm too chicken to ever try on her, or any girls. Great job!!

Julie said...

who's that person with no head in a brown shirt...? she needs to do some crunches!!

The hair cuts turned great!