Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lainee's 2nd grade play 3/31/10

"How Does Your Garden Grow?"
That was the name of the play that the 2nd grade put on yesterday.
Lainee was a beautiful flower.
There were weeds, bunnies, crows, flowers, cabbage, tomatoes, scarecrows, farmers, peas, corn just to name a few.
Lainee had a speaking part & she did a GREAT job!
Rigby really enjoyed the play. Olivia was in class & didn't get to see the play.
Her grandparents came to watch her, they are always so good to show their support.
Since the play was about gardens, I thought I would show how MY garden is doing right now! I love spring! I love when my flowers come up! So pretty!


Kate said...

Your flowers are gorgeous!

And your vacations look like so much fun. We're about to have our 10th anniversary and always thought we'd go on a big trip. Instead we had another baby. Maybe we'll have to wait until our 11th for the trip. ;)

Laralee and Jake said...

So it has been a while since I checked your blog. You guys looked like you had a ton of fun on your vacations. And your flowers are looking great. Mine are trying to come up, but we woke up to snow this morning. I miss St. George weather. It was great seeing you guys a few weeks ago.