Friday, June 24, 2011

Fathers Day Weekend!

The weekend started us off camping up at Enterprise Reservior.  Friday night Trent took Rigby out on Grandpa's boat & he caught the only 2 fish of the night! Then we caught 3 more on Saturday. I took pictures with my phone but I can't get them to load. It was a lot of fun & the kids love camping & climbing there.

Then on Fathers Day after church, Rigby had Trent search for his present by playing hot & cold.

Rigby was laughing so hard the whole time that he could barely say hot or cold!

Of course Trent was a great sport & played it well!

Rigby had it hidden in his closet - the ha was just a bonus that was in there too!

Olivia did the same game with her present & guess where  it ended? Yep in her closet!

The kids made these trophies for the best dad ever!

They had taffies & a magnet with their pictures in them.

Lainee also made some yummy candy popcorn at activity days for Fathers Day.

We got Trent a new shirt,

a new belt,

And a new grill! You may remember that we got him a grill for his birthday but we had to return that one because it didn't work right so here goes attempt #2!

Happy Father's Day!!
We love you very much & are so glad to have you in our lives. You are the best Dad in the whole world!

1 comment:

Holly Woolsey said...

I love the pictures of Rigby totally cracking up! What a great sport Trent was. So fun!